Reading Discovery-Book 1 Unit 01 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
similar; the same
A moth and a butterfly look alike, but they are not the same.
to have an item that holds something inside of it
Although the giant hairy scorpion's tail contains a mild poison, the poison will not kill a person.
to press something very hard and damage it
She crushed the peppers before putting it into her soup.
a small flying insect which bites people and animals in order to consume their blood
A mosquito bit me last night while I was sleeping.
a substance that can cause sickness or death when it is consumed by a person or animal
A scorpion sting can be painful because all scorpions have poison.
an animal that is killed and eaten by another animal
The scorpion uses its claws to first crush and tear its prey, which are other bugs.
to connect two or more things, or show how things are connected
I am related to my teacher. She is my aunt.
to know or feel something without having proof or knowing with certainty that it exists
When animals are in danger, they can sense it before it happens.
to damage something by pulling it too hard or moving it across a sharp object
I got poor grade. My mom tried to tear at my exam paper.
a net made from silk threads that is produced by spiders
The fly was caught in the spider’s web.
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