Reading Discovery-Book 2 Unit 13 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
to attach something to something else
Before turning on the computer, you should connect the cord to the printer.
a person who studies the environment, plants, or animals
A(n) ecologist might study how air quality changes a forest.
a form of energy generated by the attraction between positive and negative charges, used for power
People today cannot imagine life without electricity.
of or about the natural world in which plants and animals live
We have to solve the problem of environmental pollution.
to have a strong effect on someone or something, usually negative
Pollution from cars impacts the environment.
natural gas
gas which is found underground or under the sea
The people have to discover the fuel to replace gasoline or natural gas.
parking lot
an area of ground where people can leave their cars
You have to park at the parking lot very carefully.
to offer or give something that is wanted or needed
Solar panels on the roof provide electricity.
to make something smaller in size, amount, or level
Giving up smoking reduces the risk of several diseases.
solar panel
a panel exposed to radiation from the sun
Many newer homes have solar panels on their roofs to take advantage of the sun as a source for free energy.
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