Reading for Speed and Fluency-Book 1 Unit 13 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
to remove, especially a written word
I'll have to reinstall the program because I deleted it from my hard drive.
an argument
It is not uncommon for siblings to fight with each other.
keep track of
to pay attention to over a period of time
It is important to keep track of how much we spend every month.
mess up
to ruin or complicate things
The rain messed up our plans for a picnic.
accessible through a computer network, such as the Internet
You can see if your friend is online when using instant messaging programs.
very likely
Tom probably will go to the party tomorrow.
an organized activity undertaken by a student or a group of students
The class was divided into groups of four, and each group was given a project to complete by Friday.
to keep
It stores minerals, like calcium and bone marrow; both are necessary for life.
used to emphasis the degree of something
There was a terrible fire that destroyed 2,000 homes.
one's job or profession
I'm not completely satisfied with my work.
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