Reading for Speed and Fluency-Book 1 Unit 18 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
to make a stream of air with one's mouth
I made a wish and blew the candles out on my cake.
with great attention
Please review the manuscript carefully and make all necessary changes.
the second largest member of the violin family, rested vertically on the floor between the performer's knees when being played
Unlike the violin, the cello produces a very deep sound that is very pleasing to me.
depend on
to rely; place trust
What college you get accepted to usually depends on your academic performance in high school.
in both circumstances
Will you stay home or go abroad for school? either way, you'll learn a great deal.
in order to
the reason why some action was committed
In order to improve safety, car makers have included air bags in their cars.
something that makes music
A piano is a very popular instrument with black and white keys.
sign up
to formally agree, in writing, to participate in something
I decided to sign up for scuba lessons this summer.
thick thread
As the string on the guitar snapped, we had to replace it.
such as
for example
I need materials such as bandages, tape and scissors.
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