a Mennonite group of people who are the followers of Jakob Ammann, a Swiss Mennonite bishop of the 17th century
The amish's simple way of life can be experienced in parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Canada.
at least
not less than; a minimum of at least they bought something.
to be confident that something is true
I don’t believe in ghosts.
a form of energy
When there is a blackout, electricity doesn't work.
for a little while
lasting for a short time
I stopped by her house to chat for a little while.
any variety of West Germanic speech native to Germany, Austria, or Switzerland
Before moving to Berlin, Derick studied german.
in general
usually; mainly in general, students are not supposed to leave campus during school hours.
belonging to or done by a particular person or thing
He spent his own money.
to act to the pleasure or satisfaction of
After forgetting to go to the store for Kim, Harold wanted nothing more than to please her.
the number of
the amount of something in a particular area
The number of people who support the king is very small.