Reading for Speed and Fluency-Book 3 Unit 23 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
regardless of the fact that; even though
although he isn't feeling too well, he will still attend the meeting.
at an angle
from the side; not straight on
The light shined on his face at an angle and it gave it a spooky appearance.
to believe something or someone to be
He is considered to be the country's authority on Middle East policy.
the absence of light
darkness filled the sky as everyone turned in for the night.
an imaginary line around the Earth which is equidistant from the North and South Poles
Many Americans have never been south of the equator.
more distant or remote
The campsite is much further than I had thought.
not real; existing only in one's mind
Homer is my son's imaginary friend.
lying toward or situated in the north
The northern part of the country is coldest during the winter.
a period of the year when a particular type of weather is expected in some parts of the world
January, is drought season in Australia.
to have a tendency; to probably do something or be a certain way
I tend to get angry when I find out that people have been saying bad things behind my back.
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