Reading for Speed and Fluency-Book 3 Unit 37 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
belonging to the present time
Even though she has been around for over twenty years, Madonna always manages to stay current.
an academic title obtained from a university or college that proves one has completed all necessary course work
She earned a degree from a large, well-known university.
to get money for work
earning money is difficult.
a person or business that employs one or more people for wages or salary
My employer provides management trainee classes for interested workers.
following the correct ways; official
Koreans have a casual and a formal style of speech.
keep up with
to be knowledgeable about the latest things
It is common for young people try to keep up with the latest fasions.
encompassing an entire lifespan
Vickie has been a lifetime friend of ours.
an occasion for personal advancement or financial gain
The young girl had the opportunity to travel to Europe with her debate class.
to do; to carry out an action
The new software performs several useful functions that make accounting easy and fun.
to endure pain or hardship
I had to suffer for three years under his management.
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