Reading for Speed and Fluency-Book 4 Unit 08 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
a cylindrical roll of finely cut tobacco, smaller than a cigar, used for smoking
You have to be at least 18 years old to legally buy cigarettes in the US.
to decide; to find the truth
It's difficult to determine if someone is telling the truth or not.
producing a quick effect
His work in the kitchen was efficient.
in exchange
in return
The woman offered to cook him dinner in exchange for his help with the leaky faucet.
to be of importance
It matters little to me if you want to quit.
to do; to carry out an action
The new software performs several useful functions that make accounting easy.
a building used to confine criminals
prison is not a place where most people want to go.
a hard layer around an object for protection
A turtle has a hard outer shell.
trading partner
the other person one is trading with
Finding a trading partner that has what you need is not always easy to find.
the worth of something
The value of the new car decreased the moment it was driven off the lot.
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