Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 01 (E)
14 카드 | CompassPublishing
to state something unproven to be true
She claimed she graduated from Harvard University, but no one believed her.
a small plant with three, or sometimes four, round leaves
There is a field of clover behind of my house.
to make an agreement that requires both parties in an argument to give up something they wanted
They made a compromise with the invaders.
to direct or control some process or procedure
The scientist will conduct research on the matter of gravity.
to admit
The suspect confessed his crime.
to make somebody notice something, often by pointing to it
When babies cry in a high shrill, it usually indicates that there is something wrong.
the ability to have an effect on the way a person or thing acts or happens without directly controlling the person or thing
Mrs. Clinton had a strong influence on her husband's presidency.
being very small; being the least amount possible
If you make only a minimal effort to pass your classes, you won't learn very much.
a plant with white berries used in Christmas decorations
Kissing under a piece of mistletoe is a Christmas tradition.
to grow too large
Children quickly outgrow their clothes and shoes.
having a big or important effect
The accident victim made significant progress in his physical therapy sessions.
related to superstitious belief in something perhaps unaccountable for
The superstitious woman was afraid that a black cat might cross her path.
a question or a group of questions asked to many people in order to gather information about a particular topic
We took a survey to see how kids reacted to the new standard.
relating to technology
This laptop uses the latest technological advances from the field of wireless networking.
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