Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 03 (E)
14 카드 | CompassPublishing
to move or act more quickly
This car can accelerate to sixty miles an hour in eight seconds.
to gain use of
Many poor people do not have access to a good education.
happening once every year
The Oscars are an annual award for the best movies.
a formal, written request for something
After several applications of the ointment, the wound finally healed.
in a way that is close but not exact
They determined the age of the fossil to be approximately three million years old.
a very strong rope usually made of many smaller wires
cable is so strong that it is used to hold up large bridges like the Golden Gate Bridge in California.
the amount of people or things that a place or object can hold
When Michael Jackson had his concert in Korea, the stadium was filled to its capacity.
a group formed with the purpose to work together
A consortium of textile manufacturers held a conference about child labor.
a person who gains access to a computer system without permission in order to do harm or play a trick
Software designers are locked in a constant battle with hackers.
to create something through thought and reason
I wish someone will invent a machine that let's me fly to work.
to find or follow the correct course or route while traveling in a ship, car or AIRPLANE
Historians have found that even ancient ships were able to navigate the large open sea.
able to be moved around with ease
These are portable structures which act as schools.
a device sent into space that collects information or assists in communication
You can see picture taken with the satellite on Google.
a word or expression
The manager had trouble understanding some of the terms used by her young employees.
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