Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 04 (E)
11 카드 | CompassPublishing
something a person does to achieve a specific goal or to have fun
What kind of club activity do you like?
avoiding friendly associations with other people
The girl's antisocial behavior such as fighting with other children drew concerns from her parents and teachers.
based on
grounded on, founded on
We can guess what she will do based on her previous actions.
the state of being damaged beyond repair
The destruction of the old house was sad to see.
a picture in your mind of how you think something might or should look
The image on the picture was hard to see because water had spilled on it.
consisting of or being present in large numbers
The man had numerous wives in many different countries.
being useful; benefiting someone or something
Selling used cars was quite profitable until the economy faced a recession.
to identify or remember someone or something from past knowledge or experience
The young woman recognized the tall man from the party.
refined; too wise in the ways of the world
A sophisticated design is needed to sell the product.
an idea or belief about what someone or something is like that is often unfair or untrue
Many Americans have the stereotype that all Asians are good in math.
the use of physical force to hurt a person or animal or to damage something
He used violence to force people to do his bidding.
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