Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 05 (E)
15 카드 | CompassPublishing
the act of comparing two or more things to each other
The comparison of the long term costs is what helped them make their decision.
something that is formed from a number of different parts
The composition of the new medicine is quite difficult to create without a proper lab.
an article or essay that judges the quality of something
Our manager received a strong criticism from the university president.
(technical) the relation between the mass and size of a substance
The density of a bowling ball is higher than a basketball.
to cause a particular result
It's difficult to determine if someone is telling the truth or not.
to make a general guess or judgment without using exact calculations regarding the value, quality, or nature of something
Throughout Earth’s history, an estimated 3 million to 100 million species have disappeared.
not correct, accurate, or true
The information provided to the candidate was inaccurate.
(technical) the amount of matter that an object has
Although the plastic box was bigger than the book, the book had a greater mass.
the act or process of determining the size of something or someone
The tailor took my measurement for a new suit.
a specific way of doing something
This method is very effective.
concerned with the MUSCLES
He exercised regularly so that his body could become muscular.
being very fat in a manner that is harmful to a person's health
The mother was worried because her son had become obese; He weighed over 300 pounds.
to do something, especially something difficult or that requires special skills
The new software performs several useful functions that make accounting easy and fun.
being very exact or accurate in detail or form
You need to follow the precise measurements of the recipe if you want your cake to turn out o.k.
causing difficulty
Science was a subject that was troublesome for the youth.
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