Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 06 (E)
15 카드 | CompassPublishing
the tough outer covering that protects a tree or other plant
The bark of the tree was brown and very rough.
a substance created through a chemical process
You should always be careful which chemicals you mix together because you could create a dangerous reaction.
a group of people or similar things that are close together
A cluster of antiques was found in the attic.
to cause something or someone to be unable to act normally
He was disabled by the accident.
(of liquid, gas or electricity) to move steadily and easily in a particular direction
The Mississippi River flows into the Gulf of Mexico.
the ability to understand something better or see what it is really like
The wise man had many insights to my spiritual problems.
a severe HEADACHE that often includes feelings of sickness
He could not concentrate on his work because of the bad migraine he had all day.
to happen
It never occurred to her to call her parents when her plane got delayed.
a dry substance in the form of very small, fine pieces or grains
The rocks were crushed into a fine powder.
(for a doctor) to state officially the particular medicine or treatment a patient should use
I was having horrible back pain until the doctor prescribed me this new medicine.
having the most importance
My primary goal is to get my education. Then, I would like to do some traveling.
a set of actions that produce a particular result
The process of lawsuits can take several years.
set off
to begin traveling in a particular direction
The rally on Monday will set off a series of week-long events to celebrate the holiday.
being very firm or strict
Yesterday, a severe earthquake hit Japan.
to experience an event, happening, or condition that is unpleasant, undesirable, and difficult to deal with
Since changing management, their sales have suffered.
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