Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 07 (E)
16 카드 | CompassPublishing
to do mathematical processes to find the answer to a problem
It takes a series of difficult mathematical equations to calculate the distance to the planets.
to make someone believe something, by arguing or showing evidence
I tried to convince my mother to allow me to marry the prisoner.
a document certifying graduation
I’m working towards a diploma in business management.
to give a gift or contribute money to an organization or cause
I usually donate more money to charities during the Christmas season.
drop out
to stop attending a school before fi nishing
My dad dropped out of high and got a job in a factory.
the system of production and consumption of goods and services in a country or a region
The housing boom improved the country's sagging economy.
a person who teaches other people
Both of my parents are educators, so it was no surprise that I became a professor.
to supply money for something
The old man funds his grandchildren's education.
establish or develop industrialism in
industrialized countries are polluting the world.
the head of city government
The young mayor got to work trying to improve the city.
a group of people with shared interests, formed for a certain purpose
I do some work at a non-profit organization.
박애주의의, 인정 많은
She is involved in many philanthropic activities.
having happened before the present time or event
I received more information at the previous parenting conference than at this one.
someone who is kept in a prison as punishment for his or her crimes
The prisoners tried to escape by running across the field.
a number that provides information about something or proves something
A single statistic was used to justify the laying off of many employees.
a detailed analysis of a subject or situation
I've been working on a study about aging at my university.
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