Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 08 (E)
15 카드 | CompassPublishing
(usually with 'to') to identify something as being caused by a specific action, event, or person
He attributes his good looks to his mother.
a person who earned degree at a university after four years of study
After getting my bachelor degree, I applied for graduate school.
to lessen in quality or value
Gold increases in value over time, however, appliances declines in value.
a position in which a person must make difficult choices
I am faced with a difficult dilemma that will affect my job.
a five-to-seven-year graduate degree
Educators who receive a doctorate degree are often referred to as doctor.
the act or process of ENROLLING
Due to increased tuition fees, overall enrollment dropped by 12 percent over the past year.
to make something certain
I ensure you that the job will be ready on time.
kick out
to remove or eject someone from a program or a place
I was kicked out of class for arguing with the teacher.
소송, 고소
She filed a lawsuit against the driver who had crashed into her while driving on the wrong side of the road.
an amount that is most or more than half of a group of people or things
The majority of the school children were from single parent homes.
make up
to do something at a later time that is after the scheduled time
I asked Professor Graham if I could make up the test.
being easy or likely to be sensed or noticed
There was a noticeable scratch on his car door.
something that is more important than other things and must be done first
Getting good grades was not his priority; getting a well rounded education was.
to try to achieve or get something over a period of time
Every country pursues its own interests.
겉으로의, 외관상의
He said, with seeming embarrassment, that he would have to cancel the meeting.
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