Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 09 (E)
14 카드 | CompassPublishing
being or from another place or part of the world
Panda bears are alien to areas like North America.
very small PLANETS that move around the sun
Ceres was the first asteroid that was discovered; it is also the largest.
causing a lot of damage or suffering
Many people refer to catastrophic events as an act of God.
Overwhelming because it is tragic or shocking
The devastating news caused her mother to have a heart attack.
to bring someone or something into a dangerous situation
The American buffalo is endangered. It may be completely wiped out.
not in existence after existing for a long time
Dinosaurs are no longer in existence; they are extinct.
a very large body or mass of ice that moves slowly downward from a mountain valley or other raised location
Many glaciers are starting to melt.
being displeasing or uncomfortable to see
He told a grim tale of murder and mayhem. We were all trembling with fear.
the natural place, or type of place, where a plant or animal lives
The natural habitat of an alligator is a swamp.
to damage, injure, or hurt someone or something
Eating too much sugar will harm your teeth.
to enter a place for the purpose of taking control of it
Soldiers from the neighboring country invaded the town unexpectedly.
(followed by a noun) referring to the particular place where a person was born
She is a native of Indonesia.
a group of animals that are largely the same, and can produce young with each other
A species is often defined as a group of organisms capable of producing fertile offspring.
of or from the TROPICS
Fiji has a tropical climate, so it is quite humid.
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