Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 10 (E)
15 카드 | CompassPublishing
to take in a liquid or other substance
Use the sponge to absorb the water on the counter.
to legally take in and raise another person's child as your own
The parents decided to adopt a new strategy for disciplining their child.
the air around a PLANET
The Earth's atmosphere is comprised of many different gases.
the result of an action
The consequence of not studying for an exam is failing.
a person who is chosen to represent other people or a nation
Some managers find it difficult to delegate.
an act or occurrence of releasing something
Automobile emissions contribute to environmental problems such as smog.
the imaginary line equal in distance from the North and South Pole that runs across the middle of the Earth
Singapore lies on the equator.
not likely to happen or be true
It's highly improbable that mom will let us stay home from school tomorrow.
a statement regarding what will happen in the future
The weather man's predictions about the weather is almost always incorrect.
a set of rules for computers so that they can exchange information
According to company protocol, all visitors must be greeted and given a name tag and access pass.
to send out waves
The ray flowers radiate out from the rim of the disk flowers and reach to the edge of the whole flower.
the process of decreasing the size or amount of something
The reduction of the husband's salary affected the family greatly.
an official meeting or series of meetings between the leaders of different countries or nations
The leaders of the two countries held a two-day summit to settle their problems.
an agreement between nations
The two leaders signed the treaty to make the agreement legal.
tiny droplets or pieces of some substance spread thinly throughout the air
Salt cannot leave the sea by evaporation because the water vapor leaves it behind.
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