Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 11 (E)
13 카드 | CompassPublishing
to make a request that a judge, or other person of authority, change a decision
The lawyer appealed the harsh pushinment given to his client.
fitting or proper for a specific person, purpose, time or occasion
The mother allowed her children to watch TV programs that were not appropriate for them.
having traditional views
My grandfather is so conservative, he hasn't bought new clothes in twenty-five years.
to find someone guilty of a crime, in a court of law
Jeff was convicted of stealing a car.
an act that is not legal
If you commit a crime, you will be punished.
to kill someone, usually as a punishment
For his terrible crime, he was executed.
to use something completely so that there is none left
I exhausted all my ideas on this project.
to stop moving or going forward
All activity on the college campus halted with the sounding of the fire alarm.
being extremely mean to someone or something; treating someone or something very badly
The humane treatment of prisoners is a very important subject.
to put someone in prison
He was imprisoned for stealing the car.
in favor of
~에 찬성하여
I am not in favor of the death penalty.
a person in jail
inmates should have access to education and job training while they are in jail.
to prove that something is right or true
The boss asked the supervisor to verify the claim before a decision was made to sack the employee.
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