Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 12 (E)
14 카드 | CompassPublishing
an agreement to meet someone at a specific time and place for a particular reason
I have to leave work early because I have an appointment with the doctor for a checkup.
the money given to the court that ensures a person released from jail will return to court
The bail was set at $1 million.
a generous gift or reward
A one million dollar bounty was offered for the capture of the criminal.
to catch and keep a person or animal against their will
After three weeks on the run, the prisoner was finally captured and sent back to jail.
to do something, usually negative
You must be ready to deal with the consequences if you commit a crime.
a person who commits a crime
The criminal has broken the law several times before.
the legal right to be responsible and care for a child
After the divorce, the mother received custody of the children.
to escape or run away
I fled back to the relative safety of my own home.
a person who runs away from the law or tries to escape the law
After the prisoner escaped from prison, he became a fugitive.
a place where people who are being charged with or being punished for a crime are held
The criminal has been sentenced to 30years in jail.
a specific area of such authority
The San Francisco police department has jurisdiction in the city of Allen.
relating to the law
After her car accident, she needed some legal advice.
allowed or accepted by someone with authority
Spanish is the official language of Venezuela.
to control or handle something such as a machine
I’m not sure how to operate the new photocopier Could you help me?
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