Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 13 (E)
14 카드 | CompassPublishing
having complete power
She has almighty control on all decisions made within the company.
at last
After 12 hours in the plane, we landed at last.
a series of locking rings, usually made out of metal, used to connect things together
a chain of events
a person who is an official member of a nation or state
I am a citizen of this country.
the ideas, facts, or opinions presented in a book, film, speech, or other presentation
The content of the movie was inappropriate for children.
the act of unfairly treating some persons or groups better than others
discrimination in the workplace is against the law.
being the same for everyone
There are some games in which all the players have equal chances.
strong belief or trust in something or someone
I have faith that my children will make the right decision when the time comes.
the state of being uncontrolled and allowed to do whatever one wants
When you turn 18, you have the freedom to make your own choices.
an area in a city where many people of a particular nationality, race, or religion live
He grew up in the ghetto; it was a miracle that he ever survived.
to reach a decision about who won a contest
Mr. Harris and Mrs. Walton will judge the dance contest.
to express a strong objection or dislike of something
The workers protested the drop in wages.
to keep one group of people apart from another and treat them differently
Racial segregation in the United States prevented blacks and whites from eating in the same restaurants.
marked by great sadness, often because of someone's death
When she recounted her tragic childhood, the entire audience started to cry.
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