Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 18 (E)
13 카드 | CompassPublishing
a treatment for pain and illness that involves putting NEEDLES in the body
In China, acupuncture is a famous treatment in China.
to become curved or change from a straight position
The tree branches bend when big birds sit on them.
build up
to accumulate
The snow is building up on the sidewalk.
to move through a closed course or system
It's important for business people to circulate at a networking function in order to meet as many new contacts as possible.
the ability to focus completely on a task
One of his difficulties in school was that he lacked concentration.
the state of not feeling well
The doctor asked me if I was experiencing any discomfort, such as aches and pains.
associated with a god, a religion or worship
The holy scriptures are important to many people around the world.
being not exciting or IMPRESSIVE
The queen was very upset because her son had married an ordinary girl.
to do something, especially something difficult or that requires special skills
The new software performs several useful functions that make accounting easy and fun.
without being affected or concerned by something difficult or troubling
I'm moving to Alaska regardless of what my parents say.
activities that allow someone to rest and have fun, or that help someone to become calm
I took a trip so I could enjoy some relaxation.
becoming easily upset or angered
As Shelly is very sensitive; she was offended by the joke Tom made.
to begin a job, task, trip, etc.
War should be a last resort, obviously, undertaken when all other options have failed.
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