Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 20 (E)
15 카드 | CompassPublishing
a person who tries to change a government or society
The activist often spoke against policies that hurt the common person.
to choose
He has been anointed as the face for our company.
a thing that creates an effect
The people of the town were united to fight for their cause.
things such as money, food, and clothing to people who are very poor or sick
She gave up her lucrative career and now does a lot of charity work.
a beauty preparation, like makeup, lipstick, and skin cream, used on the body, esp. on the face
She had many allergies and could only use European cosmetics on her face.
to legally end a marriage
My parents got divorced after 15 years of marriage.
a lot of money; great wealth
Jack earned a fortune from the new technology he developed.
heavy bleeding from a ruptured blood vessel
He had a terrible hemorrhage coming from his leg.
being unable to cure; having no cure
AIDS is an incurable disease that scientists and doctors are working to solve.
one of the food items used when making a meal or drink
I cannot make this cake because I am missing the main ingredient.
maiden name
a woman's last name before marriage
My mother's maiden name is Ferguson.
a child whose parents have died
The orphan missed his parents.
something which happens or exists before something else and introduces, influences, or leads to its development
The precursor to the piano was a stringed instrument called a clavier.
a brother or sister of someone
My dad has only one sibling.
an act or process of putting someone else's blood into a patient at a hospital
The patient needed a blood transfusion to save his life.
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