Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 22 (E)
14 카드 | CompassPublishing
the way someone or something acts
As a youngster, my bad behavior got me into a lot of trouble.
to try and prevent something bad from happening; try to stop something from getting worse
We had been combating the enemy forces for last two days.
to be able to recognize the difference between certain people or things
By closely observing her, we managed to distinguish most of her characteristics.
a slippery material made from oil
grease is used to make metal parts move easily.
the act of annoying or bothering someone in a constant or repeated way
You must stop the harassment of your neighbors before they call the police.
to make something happen; to produce a certain result
When a woman’s contractions are too slow, doctors often induce birth.
to provide someone with knowledge, especially in an official or organized manner
The salesman instructed us on how to use the new equipment.
the quality of behaving with fairness and strong moral principles
Most people wanted him to run for office since he has a lot of integrity.
to present someone with something to be either taken or refused
My friend offered to pick me up from the airport when I return from India.
in a quick manner; without delay
As I took my tray of food from the lunch line I promptly dropped it
to make something known that was secret or not understood before
When are you going to reveal your secret?
becoming easily upset or angered
As Shelly is very sensitive; she was offended by the joke Tom made.
to add an extra part to something in order to improve it, complete it, or raise it to an acceptable level
The wife supplemented their income by babysitting.
to let people do, say or believe what they wish, without judging or challenging them
The actions of the students were not tolerated by the professor.
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