Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 23 (E)
14 카드 | CompassPublishing
an unusual experience that is possibly dangerous
They had some exciting adventures on their vacation.
an announcement, picture, or commercial intended to convince people to buy a product or to receive a service
The advertisement for fast food is effective on both children and adults.
money given as a security against possible damage or loss
Please pay your deposit before booking your hotel room.
a gift or sum of money that is given to help support an organization or cause
I collected donations for the orphanage.
(of plants or animals) being from a different area of the world
On their trip to Asia, they had discovered many exotic fruits and vegetables.
very hot rock, in liquid form, that flows from a VOLCANO
During our field trip to the volcanoes on the Big Island, we were able to see the lava flowing.
the time during which a person is alive
It would take a lifetime to understand the universe in all its entirety.
to stop or prevent an increase in size or amount past a certain point
My manager wanted to limit the number of hours I could work each day.
the smallest amount needed
Most fast-food restaurants pay minimum wage; it is not sufficient to support a family on.
with everything included
His overall grade in school was not bad, although he was not doing well in science.
to collect money or gather people to support something
We had a bake sale at school to raise money for our field trip.
a journey to multiple places in an area, usually including one or more countries
We decided to take a tour of the entire island.
in a way that one normally acts or behaves
While handguns are commonly used by law enforcement, rifles are typically used by hunters
a mountain through which hot liquid earth can move though and come out of the top
Mt. Fiji is huge volcano in Japan.
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