Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 1 Unit 24 (E)
15 카드 | CompassPublishing
a person whose job it is to carefully examine something in order to better understand it
Our company hired an analyst to help us improve our profits.
to give something to a particular person or thing
The mother assigned different household chores to her children.
to focus completely on a task
I have to concentrate more on my future plans.
a standard to make judgments or decisions
What criterion are you using to evaluate the interviewees?
crop up
갑자기 나타나다, 일어나다
In the winter, symptoms of the common cold begin to crop up.
a person who manages other people in a business or organization
The president is the chief of the executive branch of the American government.
a symbol that represents one of the numbers between one and nine
She got a promotion and now she's making a six-figure salary: $120,000 per year.
having to do with money
Schools are getting expensive for one person to pay for their own. So try looking for financial help.
money spent in order to make more money; something purchased with the hope that it will increase in value
Ten years ago, my father made a large investment in real estate that turned him a nice profit.
market share
The proportion of industry sales of a good or service that is controlled by a company
A bad economy usually means that market shares will be small.
the process of printing a written work and making it available to read
She waited anxiously for the publication date of her book to be announced.
the general opinion that people have about someone or something
Politicians have to take great care to make sure that their reputation is kept positive.
the money a business collects in exchange for goods or services
The revenue from her income property was not sufficient to cover her expenses.
the state only the main or most important ideas or points of something
He tried to summarize the speech, but he had forgotten the main points.
to have confidence in something, or to believe in someone
His trusted friend of 30 years betrayed him.
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