Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 2 Unit 10 (E)
15 카드
able to be farmed
There isn't much arable land in a desert.
a very bad disaster that causes a lot of damage, suffering, or death
The catastrophe was responsible for the deaths of thirty high school students.
to make a thing or place impure or unclean by adding something harmful
The oil contaminated the drinking water.
the act of leaving without telling anyone or not being able to be found
The disappearance of the family dog was a big blow to the children.
to stop or upset the order of an activity which is in process
Our party was disrupted by sound of the police siren.
a very large body or mass of ice that moves slowly downward from a mountain valley or other raised location
Environmentalists warn that global warming is causing the glaciers to melt, and that could have serious consequences.
global warming
the increase in the temperature of the Earth that is caused partly by the increase in carbon dioxide in the air
Some scientist argue that global warming is not caused by human actions.
the act or process of supplying lands with water using pipes or other artificial methods
The ancient Egyptians had developed an irrigation system using water from the Nile river.
being easily noticeable
June is a prominent politician in her country.
to move something to a different place
Our family relocated from California to Texas.
the act of an army or a group of soldiers moving back from the enemy
The wealthy owner went to a retreat to relax from the heavy work.
to become smaller
Be careful not to wash your sweater in hot water because it could shrink.
a small river
The man ran through the cool water of the stream.
to make something that is necessary or wanted available for use
Next week, my friend will supply me with some new web design software, so I can build better websites.
the outer layer of something; the top of something
The surface of the table was smooth.