Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 2 Unit 12 (E)
15 카드 | CompassPublishing
to state that someone has done something wrong
You shouldn't accuse someone of a crime if you don't have any proof.
to legally take and hold a person believed to have committed a crime
Police arrested the suspect, but he escaped after 3 days.
a difficult task to perform
After her father's stroke, she had the burden of supporting her family.
to request a certain amount of money for a service
The high hourly amount lawyers charge for their services should be considered criminal.
the place where a trial happens
The people entered the courtroom to watch the trial.
a person who is accused of committing a crime in court
The defendant confidently stated that he was innocent of all charges.
a person who is accused of committing a crime in court
The defendant looked nervous as he waited for the verdict.
to make something certain
After the shooting, the school took drastic measures to ensure the safety of its students.
to put someone in prison
He was imprisoned for stealing the car.
a group of 12 citizens who listen to information about the problem or crime, receive instructions from the judge, and decide the guilt or innocence of the person on trial
The jury came back with a guilty verdict on the defendant.
an assumption, often not fully established
presumption of innocence is a legal right that Americans have.
having the necessary amount for a particular purpose or task
We had sufficient money to buy two pairs of tickets.
to call upon for a specified action
The principal summoned me to his office.
formal proof of something good
The massive gathering at his funeral was a testament to Gil's popularly.
a jury or judge's finding or decision
The guilty verdict was presented to the judge by the head of the jury.
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