Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 2 Unit 17 (E)
14 카드 | CompassPublishing
a feeling of respect and appreciation
With a great sense of admiration, we watched our son graduate from university.
the smooth and attractive movement of a person or animal that is quick and nimble
Most gymnasty's agility has been developed from years of training.
one or more tools or instruments used for a specific activity
With his sophisticated apparatus, the doctor was able to perform several complicated surgeries.
special attention or stress given to something to show its importance
The emphasis of his speech was on the need for better safety regulations in the work place.
an attempt or effort
Her endeavor to become a doctor was finally realized when she received a scholarship for medical school.
to have, contain, or include something as part of a greater whole
The procedure involved transforming her inner beauty as well as her physical appearance.
to express sadness or regret about something
It is understandable to lament over the dead.
the chemical processes of the body in which food is CONVERTED to energy
He can eat ice cream and cake and never gain weight since he has a good metabolism.
very unpleasant or uncomfortable
The daughter ran away from home because of her oppressive home environment.
being likely to do something or have something happen to you, often something bad
When we don't get enough sleep, we are more prone to sudden outbursts of anger.
an official rule that controls how something is done
The dictator created many regulations to control the people.
focusing on one particular thing or set of things
I specialized in corporate law in university.
For her latest stunt, she will attempt to escape from a prison cell.
a particular type of material
A stick substance was leaking from the tube. Today's topic is one of great substance.
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