Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 3 Unit 10 (E)
15 카드
the practice of growing food; farming
Some countries main source of income comes from agriculture.
to change something about a piece of clothing or make it different
When they edited the movie, they had altered the writer's original theme.
(with "to - infinitive") to want to achieve
Most college students aspire to become professionals once they graduate.
a serious and emotional debate which involves many people
Major controversy regarding his service records surrounds the new presidential candidate.
To make unstable
The spy's were trying to destabilize the enemy country.
to remove or destroy something completely
The government concentrated all their efforts to eradicate corruption.
the state of a FEMALE being able to produce young
As a woman gets older, her levels of fertility decrease.
a part of cell in a that controls the development and appearance of a living thing
If you do research in biology, in the end all humans are made up of genes handed down from their parents.
capable of causing INFECTION by the spreading of BACTERIA or a VIRUS to others
John was not able to leave the hospital because he was considered to be very infectious.
the act of coming between two or more parties in a situation or disagreement to try to change the result
The president said that he was opposed to military intervention.
to change only certain elements of something and leaving others unchanged
When she discovered her son had diabetes, she had to modify his diet drastically.
an insect or small animal that ruins plants or food supplies
Mosquitoes can truly be a pest after a humid rainy day.
left over after part or most is taken away
Their was a residue of dirt in the sink after he washed his shirt in it.
not being affected by something
The stain resistant shirt was worth every penny.
produced in large amounts and being the main or primary product
In order to remain healthy and in good shape, a staple diet of fruit, vegetables, and meat is required.