Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 3 Unit 17 (E)
15 카드 | CompassPublishing
to push someone or something up from beneath them
The team's morale was boosted when it was announced that the striker was fit to play in the match.
to eat food or drink liquids
Her work consumed most of her time and energy.
occurring very quickly and suddenly
The explosive mixture is often used to destroy old buildings.
to produce
The auto factory was able to generate more cars this year than last year.
the amount of something that a person's body consumes
Nutritionists recommend a daily intake of about seventy-five milligrams of Vitamin C.
to make as large as possible
We have to maximize our time here, so lets visit all the famous sites.
relating to NUTRITION
Although cola may taste good, it has basically no nutritional value, since it is made mostly of sugar.
to control something with rules or laws
Many people do not like the idea of the government regulating banks.
to allow something to be printed or shared with the public
The police released the name of the suspect in the shooting.
a supply of something kept for future use if needed
We still have a lot of fuel in reserve.
the act of keeping or holding someone or something
Officials are focusing on job creation, not job retention.
side effect
an unpleasant effect of a drug that happens in addition to the main effect
One of the side effects of the drug is sleepiness.
an additional part that is added to something in order to improve or complete it
There are many wonderful nutritional supplements available on the market today.
a change from one state, movement, place, or subject to another
His transition from an hourly worker to a salaried one was smooth.
My workout will last for about an hour and a half.
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