Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book Intro Unit 12 (E)
15 카드 | CompassPublishing
a person who has a strong or uncontrollable need for a substance or activity
I'm a caffeine addict. If I don't have my coffee in the morning, I can't function at work.
a particular situation or event that is an example of something
Detectives were finding this case difficult to solve.
causing a great deal of argument, discussion, or conflict
Abstinence is a very controversial subject among educators.
an act that is not legal
If you commit a crime, you will be punished.
to take part in a discussion or argument against another person in an organized event
The two candidates debate over national security.
a government that allows all of its people to vote for and choose their leaders
The United States government is setup as a democracy.
spoken in a way that is not direct or clear
We took an indirect route to the party that made us late.
to damage or cause physical or emotional pain to someone or something
I was injured when I fell from the swing.
not sufficient
He provided me with insufficient information.
a place where people who are being charged with or being punished for a crime are held
The criminal has been sentenced to 30years in jail.
to get something through your efforts
It was difficult to obtain a passport for her husband because he was foreign born.
point of view
an opinion; a perspective
What is your point of view on this matter?
to have a necessity for something
This job requires experience in the same field.
a person who is tricked by another person
One of the victims lived to tell the story.
an opinion
His viewpoint on life was that you work hard, play hard and save hard.
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