Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book Intro Unit 22 (E)
15 카드
related to school or learning
I received an academic scholarship for my good grades.
to do something that causes a change in someone's situation
Her lack of a college degree started to affect her self-esteem.
an attitude that tends to cause one to judge a group or make decisions unfairly
The government has accused the media of bias.
the legal right to be responsible and care for a child
After the divorce, the mother received custody of the children.
a condition or situation where people all have the same rights or status
Many minorities, such as African Americans, have fought for equality so they can be treated the same as any other people.
being alike in quality, value, purpose or degree
1000 milliliters is equivalent to 1 liter.
maternity leave
출산 휴가
I took maternity leave so that I could prepare for my new baby.
a series of actions by a group of people to achieve a goal
The environmentalist movement has gained so much momentum that some have dubbed it the latest religion.
not to notice or see something, often something important
I think there is one key fact that you have overlooked.
a point of view; a way of looking at something
Her perspective of the situation was very different than mine.
the number of times some even occurs in a certain amount of time
Crime rates have declined in recent years.
to make the situation fairer
You need to redress the problem with Mom before you move away.
to name or state something clearly
His mother never specifies what she needs; I always have to guess what she wants.
a technique used for treating someone or something
We want to ensure equal treatment for everyone.
wanting or being able to use physical force to hurt someone or damage something
Many families are torn by violent behavior.