Reading Jump-Book 1 Unit 07 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
account for
to provide an explanation or justification for
His illness accounts for his absence.
the general weather conditions and patterns of a particular region
The climate of Australia is generally dry.
the area of land that is right next to a sea or ocean
When he was a child, he lived on the south coast.
not unusual
John is a very common name.
to stop being visible
The rainbow disappeared when it started to rain again.
all the plants and animals in an area with properties specific to that area
All plants and animals live in ecosystem.
having wet and heavy air due to water in the atmosphere
These rainforests are hot and humid.
a type of animal that lives in trees in South and Central America and that moves very slowly
The sloth is the slowest animal in the world.
take up
to occupy
My coat takes up too much space in my suitcase.
of or from the tropics
The tropical weather is the hottest on Earth.
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