Reading Jump-Book 2 Unit 01 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
back and forth
toward the back and then toward the front
We walked back and forth because we couldn’t find the post office.
to cause someone or something to act in a desired manner
I can control the way the car moves with this remote.
involving two or more people, working together in order to get something done
John always tries to be cooperative with his co-workers.
to make a choice after thinking about something
Sue still hasn't decided what she will eat for dinner.
one of a group of managers who controls a company
I want to be a director when I grow up.
to start or begin an organization, institution, or system that will exist, continue, or last for a long time
We have decided to establish a new department.
a belief or hope that something is going to happen
With high expectation comes great disappointment.
make a decision
decide or arbitrate
We have to make a decision by Friday.
the rate of speed at which someone or something moves or happens
He controls the pace of the story.
a certain way of doing something
Every chef has their own technique for preparing food.
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