Reading Jump-Book 2 Unit 19 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
to have respect for someone due to their positive qualities or actions
My mom is the person I admire the most.
the usual or traditional way of doing things for a particular society or group of people
All cultures have different customs.
to talk about the details of something
Can you please describe what he was wearing?
belonging or relating to, or coming from Europe
Before Marco Polo’s travels, most europeans did not know of the people in the East.
a person who explores an area
Christopher Columbus was a famous explorer.
get back
to return, especially to your home
How do I get back to the main highway from here?
a period of travel or the process of going from one place to another
They are going to take a journey around the world.
belonging or relating to Mongolia
The mongolian restaurant was frequented by international college students.
open minded
willing to listen to other people's ideas and suggestions.
She wished her parents were more open-minded about her friends.
having a big or important effect
His girlfriend had a significant place in his heart.
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