Reading Jump-Book 3 Unit 01 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
have as a feature
Three retro toys that are featured in modern movies are Transformers.
the entire group of individuals who are born in and live during roughly the same time
Many generations of families have immigrated to the United States from that country.
related to a single person or thing separate from a larger group of people or things
I am part of this family, but I am also an individual.
to create something through thought and reason
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.
the series of events that form the main story of a book, play or movie
The movie was successful, but critics thought the plot was weak.
the state of being liked or supported by a large number of people
His books gained popularity with readers.
occurring only a short time ago
There has been an explosion of reality shows in recent days.
to allow something to be printed or shared with the public
The movie was released yesterday.
based on the styles of the past
The seventies retro style has found its way back into popularity.
special effect
unusual pictures or sounds that are created by using special techniques
That movie uses a lot of special effects.
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