Reading Jump-Book 3 Unit 05 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
to do something that causes a change in someone's situation
The air pollution is affecting our health.
as long as
provided that
You may stay here as long as you keep quiet.
a unit for measuring the amount of energy in food
The potato chips were 350 calories per serving.
a sweet food usually eaten at the end of a meal
Would you like some pie for dessert?
to stop or prevent an increase in size or amount past a certain point
Father limited my allowance to 30,000 won.
saturated fat
a fat in which the fatty acids all have single bonds
Eat foods that are low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt.
an amount of food that is given to one person at a meal
There was so much food that one serving could have fed four people.
a flat piece of food that has been cut from a bigger piece of food
Cut the meat into thin slices.
a substance that is hard or of fixed shape
When water freezes solid, it is called ice.
a measure of hotness or coldness
The doctor checked Sue's temperature when she had a fever.
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