Reading Jump-Book 3 Unit 09 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
to suppose something is true, without evidence
I haven't seen or read the report yet, but I assume that everything in there will be correct.
difficult, not easy
For me science is too complicated to understand.
work of mind or body required to do something
She put a lot of effort into planning the party.
to rest or move on a liquid without sinking beneath the surface
A balloon is floating high up in the air.
to make something warm or hot
She heated up the soup.
to form ideas or images in your head that are not real
Tom imagined himself as an astronaut.
in order to
so as to, for the purpose of
I went to supermarket in order to buy some snacks for vacation.
in a manner that measures or compares something to something else
School is just 10 minutes away, so it’s relatively close.
being plain; without a lot added for style
Sometimes simple designs are better than fancy ones.
tend to
be inclined to, have a tendency to
Whenever I get embarrassed, I tend to get red in the face.
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