Reading Jump Plus-Book 3 Unit 05 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
the act or process of trying to win or be better than others at something
The competition was going to be held Saturday afternoon at the school playground.
a game similar to golf, but with bigger balls
croquet is a game played on grass in which the players use long wooden sticks.
to change by a process of EVOLUTION, as in plants and animals
Many species of animals have evolved over many years.
to establish an organization such as a business, school, or institution
The university was founded in 1922.
to lead or start a party, program, or other event
I will host the awards ceremony next week.
an unfair state in which certain people have more of something such as money or power than other people
Her essay on the inequality of human races won her first prize in the contest.
to continue
Running and playing sports helps me to maintain my weight.
make up
Women make up 56% of the student numbers.
an unreasonable feeling of dislike for people because of their race, sex, religion, or background
The overweight woman has a prejudice against thin people.
a careful plan or method
His strategy was to start studying for the test several days early.
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