Reading Jump Plus-Book 3 Unit 08 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
one of a series of parts that together make up something larger, such as a system or machine
One component of the investigation was the analysis of the crime scene.
causing damage by chemical action
Household bleach is a strong corrosive that can burn or irritate the skin.
To deplete an amount of something means to use up all of it.
The country's natural resources are rapidly being depleted.
(for a VOLCANO) to shoot out or spill hot rocks, smoke, and fire
We don’t know when Mount Fugi is going to erupt.
to disturb, anger, or upset someone
This man is very easy to irritate and will get upset about almost anything.
made up of
comprising; composed of
The test is made up of 50 multiple choice questions.
a colorless chemical element without a smell that forms most of the earth's atmosphere
nitrogen is an important part of the process that allows plants to grow and produce new plants.
A layer of Earth's atmosphere
The second layer of Earth's atmosphere is called the stratosphere.
to be all the way around something
When something is all around you, you are surrounded by it.
ultraviolet light
Exposure to ultraviolet light is closely linked to skin cancer.
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