Reading Jump Plus-Book 3 Unit 12 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
the type of money that is used in a particular country
I couldn't buy anything on my trip because I didn't have any of that country's currency.
to make it easier for an event to occur
The telephone is a way to facilitate communication between people who are apart.
relating to or involving GEOGRAPHY
This particular geographic region has many unique mountains and other physical features.
in or with respect to history or the past
historically, powerful nations were able to protect their interests.
an area of low land that is always wet and soft and has a lot of plants
You can usually find many dangerous animals living in a marsh, such as poisonous snakes.
to begin using the newest tools, methods, or technology
I want to modernize my grandparents' fashion.
a large area of land, usually used for cattle and livestock
The cows were out in the pasture this morning.
the state of being economically successful
The country's future prosperity depends on the education of its children.
to bring back; recover
Starting in the 7th century, people began to reclaim the land from the sea by building walls to keep back the sea.
relating to the regular rising and falling of the level of the ocean
Surfers use small tidal waves to ride on their boards.
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