Reading Jump Plus-Book 3 Unit 14 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
to give up the throne
Her illness forced her to abdicate her role as chairperson of the committee.
to murder an important individual by sudden or secret attack
A crazy man tried to assassinate the president, but he failed.
someone who is hurt or killed in a war, accident, or disaster
It was a big earthquake, but no casualties have been reported.
relating to an economic system based on government control of capital and labor
Lenin was a communist leader during the Russian Revolution.
to force a person to leave a place such as a country or organization
The town expelled the dangerous invader.
having the ability to influence someone or something
Albert Einstein was very influential in the development of the atomic bomb.
to remove a leader or a governing body from a position of power, often with force
King Twala is a cruel king. Why don’t the people rise up and overthrow him?
existing and accepting something for a set period of time
We received a provisional list of names because the final list of names is not available yet.
to get something new to put in the place of something that is old, broken or missing
I have to replace the battery in my watch.
a condition in which there is a lack of something necessary
Food shortage and military losses during World War I caused people to revolt.
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