Reading Jump Plus-Book 3 Unit 17 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
a gathering or assembly
Earthquakes occur at the convergence of plates, known as faults.
the act of damaging beyond repair
Nuclear weapons are examples of weapons of mass destruction.
a person who studies the qualities of and changes to Earth's rocks, layers, and physical features
My friend is a geologist. He takes soil samples to his lab to examine them for their elements.
to make less severe or serious
The girl's problems were mitigated when another adolescent confessed to the crime.
an action performed in order to prevent something possibly dangerous, harmful, or troublesome from happening
As a precaution, the workers closed off the bridge during the storm.
to keep something from existing or happening; to keep someone from doing something
Avoiding stress is the best way to prevent cancer.
a low, heavy continuous sound or series of sounds
I am so hungry, I can hear the rumble of my stomach.
(technical) relating to the structure of the Earth's surface
The Earth's surface is divided into a number of tectonic plates that float on an ocean of very hot liquid rock.
changing so frequently that it is difficult to know what will come next; changing one's behavior so often that it is difficult to know what to expect
The weather in my country is so unpredictable in the summer.
to remain unaffected by something or someone
The old house was still very strong and could withstand the strong winds that came during winter.
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