Reading Pass-Book 2 Unit 11 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
to have respect for someone due to their positive qualities or actions
My father really admires that singer.
to tell people about something officially
Have they announced the winning number yet?
an organization that gives money and other items to people who need help
charities help people get a new start in life.
a sickness in a person, animal or plant
The girl can't go to school because she has a heart disease.
to give a gift or contribute money to an organization or cause
I donate money to charity every month.
give away
거저 주다
They will give away prizes to people who attend the event.
hold onto
매달리다, 달라붙다
We decided to hold onto our old car since it still runs well.
a general tendency
This year's newest trend is boots.
turn around
to move your head and shoulders or your whole body so that you face in the opposite direction
She managed to turn around her life and now is quite happy.
having a great quantity of money or property
Some wealthy people believe it is their responsibility to help others.
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