Reading Pass-Book 2 Unit 12 (E)
9 카드 | CompassPublishing
a person who is featured in a story, movie, or play
Cinderella is one of my favorite Disney characters.
wholly; completely
The picture was made entirely out of pieces of glass.
a copy of something that is made to trick people into believing it is real
Be careful when buying designer items on the street because they are probably fake.
coming after; next
In the following days, there will be lots of sunshine.
the ability to form ideas and pictures in your head, especially of things you have never experienced in real life
It takes a great deal of imagination to write novels for a living.
the act or process of moving to a different place or position
There was little movement from the sleeping children.
one by one
separately, one by one
They will go into the booth one by one to vote.
out of work
Many people in my town are out of work since the factory closed down.
a set of actions that produce a particular result
The process of making a film is quite long and difficult.
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