Reading Pass-Book 2 Unit 14 (E)
11 카드 | CompassPublishing
to do something that causes a change in someone's situation
Her sickness began to affect her work.
as many as
a phrase used to qualify the meaning of many as a very large number, depending on what follows it
There were as many as five grand prizes available.
an emergency or disaster
Our country is facing a serious financial crisis.
the overall physical condition of the body
The health of children should be important to all parents.
restricted in extent or amount
Our supply of oil is limited.
put pressure on
to try to get someone do something
Sometimes you have to put pressure on students to do their assignments.
rely on
to trust something or someone
You can rely on him to do a good job.
by a large amount and very suddenly
His grades fell sharply in the last semester.
the particular events and conditions that affect someone or something at a certain time and place
The police reported of having a serious situation on the freeway.
the act, process, or system of providing a particular product or service
Do you have a good supply of fuel for the trip?
to use something important or valuable in a manner that is not efficient, necessary, or effective
Don't waste your money. Save up for a rainy day.
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