Reading Pass-Book 3 Unit 10 (E)
11 카드 | CompassPublishing
the result of an action
What was the consequence of the meeting?
capable of producing the wanted result without wasting resources such as time, money or energy
Computers allow us to be more efficient with our work time.
well-known or easily recognized
I am quite familiar with the way they do business.
to set something up, such as a piece of EQUIPMENT or a computer program, so that it is ready to use
You must install this program before you can begin.
to affect, involve, or associate someone or something with a particular condition or situation
My son will get involved in some afterschool activities.
daily habits and living conditions
She has a very carefree lifestyle.
to produce or grow something naturally
Plants and trees produce oxygen we need to breathe.
a piece of work that is planned out, has a specific goal, and often takes some time to complete
He has started a new project at school.
to free someone from a duty or responsibility
The stove released a lot of heat into the kitchen.
responsible for
책임이 있는
She is responsible for all of these damages to the car.
show up
to appear or arrive at a place
The guests will show up around noon.
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