Reading Pass-Book 3 Unit 14 (E)
9 카드 | CompassPublishing
involving action or physical effort
Most puppies are very active.
the ideas, facts, or opinions presented in a book, film, speech, or other presentation
The content of the movie is not for young viewers.
to help a cause, person, or group by giving money, things, or services
I often contribute to charity.
to stop being VISIBLE
The clouds disappeared and the sun came out.
in charge of
controlling; responsible for
Sarah is in charge of decorating the room for the party.
to act with something else in order to produce a particular effect
interacting with others is a great way to learn new ideas.
a copy of something that is usually smaller than the real thing
I didn't understand the project until I saw a model of it yesterday.
being accepting of what happens without reacting or trying to change things
If you are too passive you will never get anything you want.
to look something over closely, especially for shortcomings
Please review all of your paperwork before you mail it out.
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