Reading Practice 2nd-Book 1 Unit 18 (E)
8 카드 | CompassPublishing
a certain amount of money that can be used for something, or a plan for how to use this money
I need to get a budget so I can save more of my money.
things made from cloth that people wear on their bodies, such as shirts and dresses
My clothes are dirty because I played soccer in the rain.
being costly; having a high price or value
Sue bought an expensive dress, but now she can't pay rent.
kind of
a little
I’m kind of tired because I didn’t sleep much last night.
look for
to try to find
I was looking for a scarf to buy as a present for my friend's birthday.
the amount of money one pays in order to obtain something
The price of my bag was 50 dollars.
a soft and strong cloth that is made from the threads of a special type of CATERPILLAR known as a SILKWORM
silk is very smooth.
a long, narrow strip of cloth, worn around a man's neck and tied at the front
He is not wearing a tie.
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