Reading Practice 2nd-Book 2 Unit 29 (E)
8 카드 | CompassPublishing
to express information by writing, speaking or making gestures
It is easy to communicate with people if you speak the same language.
being partially or completely unable to hear sound
Listening to very loud music can make a person deaf.
the look on a person's face that reveals his or her emotions
I could tell that it was bad news due to the sorrowful expression on her face.
for example
예를 들면
We need more things to eat for example fruit, bread and cheese.
the rules of a language that describe its structure and how words are formed into sentences
Using proper English grammar is difficult because of all the exceptions and rules.
the words and signs that people of a common nation or region use to communicate with each other
Learning many languages can be beneficial in life.
입으로 말하는, 구어의
Contractions are common in spoken English.
all of the words that make up a particular language
It is important to have a good vocabulary when discussing in depth topics.
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